====== Project 2017a Microcontroller Nixie Clock ======
* 10 MHz XO
* 1x6 Multiplex Display (IN-12 Tubes)
===== Long Term Observations of Clock Phase wrt/ UTC =====
HP5335A HP5334A is measuring time from 'every other 1PPS' clock debug signal to XLI 1PPS out.
The unwrapped TIC data is really just a simple remapping of [0,1] to [-0.5, 0.5].
Temperature measurements from Acromag 965EN. "Clock" channel thermocouple is in the air about 2 inches from the 10 MHz crystal. "Window" channel thermocouple is currently unavailable (was leaning against the window, about 18 inches from the clock).
==== Last 24 hours ====
==== Entire Collect ====
=== Raw TIC Data ===
=== Frequency Error vs. Temperature ===
==== Freshness Label ====
include "data/media/wiki/p2017a/time_of_last_update.html";